My name is Amy and I want to thank you for taking the time to read my profile. From the start of this process, I have thought about you, and I admire your strength and courage in considering adoption.

From the time that I was a little girl, I knew that one day I would like to be a mother. While my life hasn't gone exactly as planned in terms of finding that special guy to marry and share a child with, becoming a mother is and always will be important to me.

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Financial Support

Expectant mothers who choose to make an adoption plan may qualify for some level of financial assistance during their pregnancy. However, each person's situation and specific needs are different. Your adoption social worker can help you determine what level of assistance you qualify for and deserve. Many expectant mothers qualify for financial assistance to cover basic pregnancy and living expenses, including but not limited to - transportation reimbursement, utility assistance for phone, water, and electricity/gas, maternity clothing and supplements, etc.


Food & Groceries


Medical Expenses


Rent & Utilities


Household Items





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FAQ’s about placing a baby for Adoption

I'm considering giving my baby up for adoption. How much does that cost?

It won't cost you anything. If you choose to place your baby for adoption, all of your medical and legal fees will be covered and you may be eligible for financial assistance with other pregnancy-related expenses.

I'm experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and don't know who the birth father is. Can I still place my baby for adoption?

Yes. Even if you don’t know the identity of the birth father, you can still choose to make an adoption plan. However, every adoption situation is different. The adoption social worker you’re assigned to will get to know you and your story first, and then guide you through the process accordingly.

When is the right time to talk with an adoption professional?

You can make an adoption plan at any point in your pregnancy, even after the baby has been born. But, it's important to start the process as early in your pregnancy as possible. Connecting with those resources will allow you to gain access to important medical services, including prenatal care, to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.

When I create an adoption plan, will I get to choose who is in the room with me during delivery?

One aspect of your adoption plan is the "Hospital Plan" an outline of how you'd like your hospital stay and delivery to go. You can craft this on your own or with the help of your adoption social worker. But everything is up to you. You’ll be able to choose who comes to the hospital with you, who is in the room with you during delivery, and how much time you’d like to spend with the baby before signing the final papers.

How much contact will I have with the adoptive family after I place my baby with them?

As part of your adoption plan, you'll determine whether or not you’d like to have an open or closed adoption or something in between. Open adoptions may include phone calls, messaging (via social media, email, or text), and/or periodic visits each year. Closed adoptions may include no contact at all or annual updates provided to the birth parent(s) by the adoptive family. Each post-adoption relationship is different and can vary based on what an expectant mother chooses in her adoption plan.

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My Blog

Sun, Sails, and wagging tails


Today was one of those days that you feel your Maryland pride. I arrived at my parent's farm around 9 AM and was greeted by a team of corgis competing for the most love. Molly is 13 years old and the cutest dog you have ever seen. I have a dog and can honestly tell you, that as much as I love mine, Molly draws a crowd. Maisy is a bit of a wild child. At 2 years old she comes borrowing down the walkway with a smile from giant ear to ear. Clancy couldn’t be more different from his sister, a calm one-year-old who you wouldn't guess by his mannerisms is the baby of the family. All three shake their butts and jump to say hello!    When I arrived at the farm I was delighted to see my cousin Evan ready to take sail. I didn’t know he would be there but quite frankly, our family is. We jumped into my step dads truck, along with my mom and stepdad, and took their sailboat down to the bay. Getting the boat into the water was much easier than it had been the week before. Once in the water,...

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Soccer, friends, and life


When I was a teenager my parents made the difficult decision to get divorced. While it was the best decision for them, it was hard on me and I needed an escape. I escaped into playing soccer and immersing myself in my team. I became immersed in Dominican culture and made some of the best friends a girl could ask for. Not only did they teach me Spanish and introduce me to “platanos,” and Bachata but they took me in and treated me as their own.    We are each from different walks of life and seem like a misfit group of friends, but in reality, we have a lot more in common than you would think. They were both raised by single mothers and one became a badass single mother herself - I know that I will look to her for guidance and inspiration as I become a single mother myself. The other left home went to culinary school and is back in Maryland to start her own business.    This weekend we got to go to Rehobeth to see my friend's new restaurant and I cannot express how proud I am. It was so good to spend such...

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futbol, amigas, y la vida


Cuando era adolescente, mis padres tomaron la difícil decisión de divorciarse.  Aunque fue dificil para mi, habia lo mejor decisión para ellos. Sin embargo, necesitaba un escape. Escapé a jugar fútbol y sumergirme en mi equipo. Me sumergí en la cultura dominicana e hice algunas de las mejores amigas que una chica podría desear. No solo me enseñaron español y me introdujeron a los platanos y la bachata, sino que me acogieron y me trataron como si fuera suyo.    Todos somos de diferentes ámbitos de la vida y parecemos un grupo de amigos inadaptados, pero en realidad, tenemos mucho más en común de lo que piensas. Ambos fueron criados por madres solteras y uno se convirtió en una madre soltera increíble. Sé que la buscaré en busca de orientación e inspiración cuando me convierta en madre soltera. La otra se fue de casa, fue a la escuela culinaria y regresó a Maryland para iniciar su propio negocio.    Este fin de semana fuimos a Rehobeth a ver el nuevo restaurante de mi amiga y no puedo expresar lo orgulloso que soy. Fue tan bueno pasar tanto tiempo de calidad con buenos amigas. ¡Están emocionados ante la perspectiva de que...

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Un dia normal


Hoy fue un día normal. Uno de esos días que parece que no destaca del resto. Fui a trabajar, enseñé a los estudiantes y regresé a casa. Llamé a mi mamá y saqué a pasear a mi perro. Mientras paseaba a mi perro, comencé a reflexionar sobre mi día. Pensé en las caritas dulces que enseño todos los días. Pensé en Karla, cuyo ojo estaba hinchado por las alergias, y en sentarme con ella y un poco de hielo para que se sintiera mejor. Pensé en Luisa, que le dio fiebre a la mitad del día, y como sus padres estaban en el trabajo, ella dormía en la enfermería por la tarde. Pensé en cómo mis partes favoritas de la enseñanza son cuidar a los niños.    Pensé en cómo incluso el día más mundano se llena de alegría cuando estoy con ellos porque cada una de sus personalidades aporta algo nuevo y fresco. Pensé en cómo voy a extrañar esto, pero sé que iré a un mejor ambiente de trabajo en un otro escuela donde seré respetado y mi talento será apreciado. Sé todo esto, pero todavía me pregunto si estoy tomando la decisión correcta.

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A Regular Day


Today was a regular day. One of those days that seems like it does not stand out from the rest. I went to work, taught the students, and came home. I called my mom and walked my dog. As I walked my dog, I began to reflect on my day. I thought about the sweet little faces that I get to teach each day. I thought about Karla, whose eye puffed up with allergies, and sitting with her and a little ice to make it feel better. I thought about Luisa, who struck a fever in the middle of the day, and how as her parents were at work, she slept in the nurse's office in the afternoon. I thought about how my favorite parts of teaching are getting to care for the kids.    I thought about how even the most mundane day is filled with joy when I am with them because each of their personalities brings something new and fresh. I thought about how I am going to miss this but I know that I am going to a better working environment at a new elementary school where I will be respected and my talents will be...

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I do not teach Math, Science, or ESOL. I teach children.


This week has been hard and sad and exhausting and also sweet. I want to hold all of the kids in my classroom so close. I want them to know that they are safe, I want them to feel that safety in their bones but the reality is, I don’t feel it myself.   I began my class on Tuesday, much like any other. We said the Pledge of Allegiance, did some movement exercises and some stretches. Before we began the calendar I asked the students how they were feeling. The majority said, “sad”. They wanted to talk about it, and so that is what we did. We forgot about the lesson for the day and instead we watched clips of the news that were appropriate for them to see and talked about the survivors. We talked until they felt better and before I knew it our Math block was over. Learning about Math just wasn't as important as feeling and being safe. I do not teach Math, Science, or ESOL. I don’t teach Health either. I teach children.    We walked the building and talked about what we would do if there was an active shooter and how I...

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No enseno Matematics, Ciencias o ingles. Enseno ninos.


Esta semana ha sido dura y triste y agotadora y también dulce. Quiero abrazar a todos los estudiantes de mi salón. Quiero que sepan que están a seguros, quiero que sientan esa seguridad en sus huesos, pero la realidad es que yo no la siento.   Empecé mi clase el martes, como cualquier otro. Dijimos el juramento a la bandera, hicimos algunos ejercicios de movimiento y algunos estiramientos. Antes de comenzar el calendario, les pregunté a los estudiantes cómo se sentían. La mayoría dijo, “triste”. Querían hablar de ello, y eso fue lo que hicimos. Nos olvidamos de la lección del día y, en cambio, vimos clips de las noticias que eran apropiados para que las vieran y hablamos sobre los sobrevivientes. Hablamos hasta que se sintieron mejor y, antes de que me diera cuenta, nuestro bloque de Matemáticas había terminado. Aprender matemáticas no era tan importante como sentirse y estar seguro. No enseño Matemáticas, Ciencias o ESOL. Yo tampoco enseño Salud. Yo enseño a los niños.    Caminamos por el edificio y hablamos sobre lo que haríamos si hubiera un tirador activo y cómo lo mantendríanos seguros. ¿Pero podría? Irma García arrojó su cuerpo frente a sus alumnos y...

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A hot rainy day


This morning I awoke with big plans. I was going to go to a festival and spend the day with friends. Well, it was 90 degrees, and being outdoors seemed insufferable to most in the group. After going to the gym and deciding that I was not, under any circumstances going to be a couch potato for the day, I succumb to the dog snuggles and Instagram reels. After my phone alerted me that I had been watching IG reels for over an hour, I thought, GET UP. So I did. I got my bike out and went for a ride. A hot, sweaty ride. About three miles into the ride one dark cloud passed, and then another, and another. Returning home, soaked with rainwater I decided that the only productive thing to do was to grade some papers and watch The Kardashians, hence converting into true and full-on couch potato status. Did you see that Kourtney is getting married? I can't. Well, I can because here I am stuffing my face with cookies waiting for the next big thing to happen to The Kardashians. 

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Last week I went to visit some family in Michigan! While I see my family pretty often my Aunt Kathy and cousins Megan and Laura along with Megan’s husband Josh seem to always make the sacrifice to come to Maryland to visit us as apposed to us coming to them. This happens because most of my family is still in the Baltimore or Philly area. Anyway I got to spend time with each of them and let me tell you about.    Megan and Laura are sisters and while they do not always agree the love between them is honest and obvious. Megan is three years younger then I am and recently married Josh, who fits into our family seamlessly. Laura is 12 years younger then me. I always knew that I loved my family but as an adult I have realized just how much I like them. In this picture Aunt Kathy and I are in kayaks and Megan and Laura had found a peddle boad sitting on the side of the lake. Was it community property? Did we steal and later return it? Who really knows. All I know was that it was fun and watching these...

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La semana pasada fui a visitar a mi familia en Michigan y fue increíble. Veo a mi familia con bastante frecuencia, mi tía Kathy y mis primas Megan y Laura junto con el esposo de Megan, Josh, siempre hacen el sacrificio de venir a Maryland a visitarnos en lugar de que nosotros vayamos a ellos. Esto sucede porque la mayor parte de mi familia todavía está en el área de Baltimore o Filadelfia. De todos modos, pude pasar tiempo con cada uno de ellos y déjame contarte sobre ellos.    Megan y Laura son hermanas y aunque no siempre están de acuerdo, el amor entre ellas es honesto y obvio. Megan tiene tres años menos que yo y se casó recientemente con Josh, quien encaja perfectamente en nuestra familia. Laura es 12 años menor que yo. Siempre supe que amaba a mi familia, pero como adulto me he dado cuenta de cuánto los quiero. En esta foto, la tía Kathy y yo estamos en kayaks y Megan y Laura habían encontrado un bote ambulante sentado al lado del lago. ¿Era comunidad de bienes? ¿Lo robamos y luego lo devolvimos? Quién sabe realmente. Todo lo que sé es que fue divertido...

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